
Dealing with Grief

Grief is characterised as a physical, emotional, psychological and/or spiritual reaction to a loss. When you are grieving you may have an emotional/psychological reaction (anxiety, anger, hopelessness, helplessness and/or despair) or you may experience a physical reaction (insomnia, fatigue, chest pains, gastrointestinal distress and/or nausea). In some cases, you may experience a spiritual connection and/or rebirth with your deity following a loss.

It is important to note that it takes time to progress through the grieving process. In other words, it takes time to heal from the loss. The length and intensity of your grief depends on the predictability of the loss and/or your personal feelings toward the person and/or situation. Do not be surprised if your grief comes and goes – this is normal. Your grief may arise sporadically or it may occur continuously at varying strengths until you have completely healed. Minds For The Future psychologists can help you process your loss and work through the grieving process.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Numbness
  • Detachment
  • Anger and/or Resentment
  • Depression
  • Isolation
  • Feelings of Helplessness and Hopelessness
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety



  • Death
  • A Health Condition and/or Disability
  • Divorce or Break-up
  • A Miscarriage
  • Infertility
  • Unemployment/Debt
  • Loss of Independence
  • Violence
  • Natural Disasters
  • Relationship Problems


It is important to note that grief can be also caused by a loss related to a positive life change such as:

  • Starting School
  • Gaining Independence
  • Marriage
  • The Birth of a Child
  • Retirement
  • Ageing



  • Talk about It: If you have lost someone or something and it is causing you grief, it is important that you talk about it. Keeping your feelings and memories bottled up inside will only delay or worsen the grieving process. Minds For The Future psychologists will provide you with a safe and supportive environment, in which you can talk about your feelings and share your memories.
  • Express Yourself:  Losing someone or something you love can be devastating, especially when you are unsure or unable to express yourself. Minds For The Future psychologists can help you express yourself in a way that makes you feel comfortable and aids in the healing process. Your psychologist may suggest that you write in a journal, write a letter to the person you have lost and/or create a song or poem about the person or object that you miss.
  • Release the Emotions: You may feel that it is unacceptable to release your emotions after you have lost someone or something dear to you, but you are wrong. It is important that you release your emotions because it is an important part of the grieving process. Minds For The Future psychologists will help you release those emotions so that you can heal.
  • Your Minds For The Future psychologist may suggest that you listen to a song that was meaningful to you and the deceased individual or he/she may suggest you make a scrapbook of your favourite memories. Although this may be painful at first, over time the pain will fade and the happy memories will return.
  • Plan a Tribute and/or Memorial: If you are grieving for someone or something that meant a lot to you, Minds For The Future psychologists can guide work through your grief and keep your happy memories alive. Your Minds For The Future psychologist may suggest that you plant a tree, start a garden and/or plan a tribute for the person that you have lost. He/she may also recommend that you participate in a charity run (breast cancer, lupus, etc.) in honour of your loved one.