Self Esteem Issues

Self-Esteem Issues: Importance in overcoming and how we can help you build it.

Self-esteem is characterised as your appraisal of your self-value and self-worth. It involves how you feel about yourself in relation to others. For instance, your self-esteem hinges on how you view your appearance, your ability to make friends, accomplish tasks, etc. Your beliefs and experiences dictate how you feel about yourself and others. In others words, self-esteem centers on how much you feel loved, accepted, and valued by others and how much you love, accept and value yourself.

If you have a healthy self-esteem, you feel good about yourself, recognise that you are valuable, and take pride in your skills, abilities and achievements.  If you have a low self-esteem, you may feel as though no one understands you, likes you, or wants to be around you. You may feel that you are not “good enough” and that you fail at everything you do.

It is important to note that it is normal to experience self-esteem issues at some time during your life. This is especially true during your adolescent years, when you are trying to figure out who you are in relation to the world.

Thankfully, your self-image and self-esteem change as you grow and develop. If you feel that you need some help with your self-esteem, you have come to the right place. Minds For The Future psychologists can help improve your self-esteem so that you have a happy and productive life.

Signs & Symptoms of Low Self-Esteem

  • Social Isolation
  • Low Tolerance to Criticism
  • Aggression
  • Headaches, Fatigue and/or Insomnia

Causes of Low Self-Esteem

  • Child Abuse
  • Comparisons
  • Excessive Criticism
  • Unrealistic Expectations
  • Physical Appearance
  • Unemployment
  • Medical Conditions/Disabilities



  • Identifying Your Triggers: If you are experiencing low self-esteem, it is important recognise your triggers. Minds For The Future psychologists can help improve the way you see yourself by teaching you how to identify triggers that squash your self-esteem. Common triggers may include: work conflicts, debt, relationship issues and/or a major life changes (job loss, the death of someone close to you, a change in health status and/or an “empty nest”).  
  • Improving Your Self-Awareness (Thoughts & Beliefs): Your thoughts and beliefs can affect how you view yourself and those around you. Once you recognise your triggers (situations and circumstances), it is important that you pay attention to how you feel about them. Minds For The Future psychologists can increase your self-esteem by helping improve your self-awareness.


Your psychologist will not only teach you how to change thought processes and belief patterns, he/she will also help you change what you say to yourself. In other words, your psychologist will help you improve your self-esteem by guiding you how to accurately interpret the situation so that you respond in a healthy and positive manner.


  • Altering Your Unhealthy Thought Processes: Unhealthy thought processes can lower your self-esteem. Minds For The Future psychologists can help restore your self-esteem by teaching you how to replace unhealthy, negative and/or inaccurate thoughts with healthy, positive and correct thoughts.


  • Setting Realistic Goals: Unrealistic goals and expectations can reduce your self-esteem. Minds For The Future psychologists can help boost your self-esteem by teaching you how to set realistic goals. Setting realistic goals will not only change the way you see yourself and others, it will also provide you with the encouragement that you need to achieve your dreams.

 Self Esteem Issues

Self Esteem Issues Self Esteem Issues Self Esteem Issues Self Esteem Issues Self Esteem Issues Self Esteem Issues